I had juz noticed bout this 2day wen im facebooking. Humanpets is an online hangout website tat allows u to buy ur frens ^^ It is one of the subcommunity web based game of Facebook last time but now it is playable in facebook and its official website. It might sounds not nice to "buy" a fren becoz frenship are not meant to be bought right? However, it is still fun to be played with haha..
This sem has 5 subjects. Every subjects' name are very complicated except Pengajian Moral. 4 subjects are associated with IT. They must be VERY HARD!!
Sunday 25th May 2008, Im still finding my blue pen and cleaning my bag from dusts collected from the last final exams -.- My long hair is still LONG!!! Damn, muz cut it next saturday. What a bad start for a new sem... Hope everything will be Ok for this coming sem. Good luck to all my battlefield mates and lets pawn this Sem again! Y2S1 放马过来吧!
On 4th of May 2008, I made a brave move. I decided to transfer some $$ from my Public Bank account to Alertpay account ^^ How much I played with? RM172 which is a big amount.
Alertpay states that fund transferred will be added into alertpay account within 3-5 days. However, i waited more than a week becoz i didnt add my reference number in the transaction form zZz (I dunno where to put ler). I began to panic... So, i decided to email them regarding to my problem. Walao eh... They damn busy ler? They replied me after almost 2 weeks =,= The customer support staff told me to send a copy of the transaction as payment proof. So, I scanned my 1st page of PBbank book and took a transaction screenshot and send it back to him. I LOVE MY SCANNER VERY MUCH^^(Click to enlarge)
It helped me in verifying my Alertpay account also XD
Then after 3 days which was yesterday, 24th May, they added RM172-RM15(processing fees. EXPENSIVE!)=RM157 into my Alertpay account.
They sent me an extra RM2 lol... So, this proved that they r REAL and im gonna start investing in the internet with the funds. Risky but NO PAIN NO GAIN! U can msn me yawcheung@hotmail.com for the programs I took part in.
I found this special feature of Bitcomet ver.1 and above not long ago. It is very useful for lazy ppl like me XD. It updates softwares (not every softwares on Earth) with ease.
After u clicked this menu option, BitComet Resource Browser will appear(might take some time) showing available updates for ur softwares such as the following screenshot:
Cool right? ^^ U dont need to search updates anymore! The best part is BitComet will act as the download manager for these updates.
Im terrible at singing but im still gona introduce this web-based game to u^^ It was introduced to me by my classmate Tobias (InGameNick:小Tobias) and my IGN is 正要冲. It is good for pro singer becoz u can save $$ singing here instead of RedBox XD
Here's a screenshot where im in textile factory (a place where u play puzzle to earn currencies, also called MeeCoins in meetoto)
U can earn MeeCoins by performing on stage or "working" in factories. So, how do we start?
Erm... How a? Register first lo -.- However, since this webbie is still under closed beta, u will need a beta register key to register. U can request a key from the webbie admin. After u registered, create ur character and renovate ur room and then, u r rdy 2 explore the world of Meetoto!
Dont know how and where to go 1st?
Click on the Globe icon and select Hibiscus Park if u wana listen to others singing or u would like to sing on stage.
Happy singing and tell me la when u gonna sing and i will come to support ^^
First, let me introduce what are addons in Firefox.
These are some examples of addons for Firefox. If u r a Firefox user, u can check what addons r u using currently by: Tools>Add-ons Im gona introduce some nice addons next.
Pic Lens - homepage
It is not designed for Firefox only. Some other IBs such as IE can support this addons too. It is very cool to be used in viewing alot of pictures. Here's a video describing it.
It is colorful, beautiful but not really useful XD. Here's a screenshot of it. I guess u knew where r those tabs right >.<..
Remember the steps i wrote previously to speed up the surfing speed of firefox? This addon does the same! It speeds up ur surfing speed too.
Mouse Gestures
My favourite! It allows you to use ur mouse to do actions such as: forward, backward, close tabs and more! For example, u hold right klik and move to bottom and then right. That's the shortcut to close tabs. COOL eh^^
Tab Effect
For those who loves Vista tab effect. This is another tab effects for ur Firefox browser ^^ I dun like it becoz it makes me dizzy when im switching from tabs to tabs @_@.
Another savior for bananas ops^^ Not only for bananas actually.. u can translate a japanese webpage into english which will be opened in a new window. This translator allows you to translate any web page into nearly any language at the click of a button...
*Added on 27th May 2008*
*Recommended by my friend Hee Ping^^*
This is another great addons made by developers which acts as Internet Download Manager. It manages, boosts ur dl speed and resumes broken download links(some might not). The best is... IT IS FREE!!!
Please leave me a comment or leave a msg in my Cakaping Box if u hav any questions or more addons to share^^
I believe that some of u suffered the slowness and craziness of Internet Explorer. Well... I suffered from IE phobia every time im using it -.- EVERY TIME!!!
Some examples of this problem:
Load itself and websites ASAP! (as SLOW as possible) - Tolerable
Not Stable. Prone to crash - I can create a Don't Send windows anytime. e.g: When i close it.
As tough as a cockroach! Cant be closed normally... IE's spirit will alwiz bug me in my taskmanager.. 真死吾眼闭 Solution: MURDER its process in the taskmanager -.-
Did u hav the similar problem? iexplorer dun wana leave ur task manager? In ur task manager (ctrl+alt+del), select process iexplorer.exe, click End Process and it will be gone forever at least for now -.-
One day, I updated IE7 to IE8 BETA with the help of Bitcomet v1.00 above. (Will be discussed in the near future) Wow its functions are comparable to FireFox or Opera!! COOOOOL at the first look! However, its load time is worst than IE7 zzz Let me giv u a look on it.
It looks similar to IE7 right? But it still contains the weak genes of the IE family... Mayb it is still in BETA so lets giv it a chance when it is complete.
Finally, i found myself 4 new Internet Browsers to use ^^ Waseh y u nid so many IB? Siao ar @_@? Actually, I was motivated to find them during the FaceBooK (add me: yawcheung@hotmail.com) Heroes fever. Well, all of them are better to be used as compared to IE =.= Lets start with the first one!
Maxthon - homepage
Well i think some of u might miss IE and dun wana change ur IB(Internet Browser) Now, u dont need to change IE by enhancing it! Maxthon is not a standalone browser because it merges with IE! It is actually IE with diff interface and better stability! COOOL Eh? I didnt know it until I use it XD Im replacing Maxthon with IE now... It is claimed that if u minimize Maxthon, RAM's memory will be freed!!! Im not sure how true it is but it is written by Maxthon itself. Here's a screenshot of it
Mozilla FireFox - homepage
Hmm.. I guess alot of u knew tis IB already. It may not startup immediately (mayb i installed too much addons to run in it >.<) but it is great to be used after started. I will write a post on some of its COOL addons in the near future.. Now, let me show some steps to tweak its surfing speed: (1) type about:config on the address bar (the bar where u type website addresses)
(2) type pipe in the filter bar under the address bar (filter bar will only show up after about:config is typed)
(3) set the network.http.pipelining and network.http.pipelining.firstrequest from false to true and network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to number between 20-30 (im using 25). If there is network.http.proxy.pipelining set it to true also.
The following screenshot relates to the steps above:
Opera - homepage
Im using Opera to write my blog ^^. It has the fanciest and highest class interface i guess.. It is not 有姿势,吾实际. It has the speed dial function which allows u to go to the websites u placed in the speed dial button quickly.
Last but no least,
Netscape - Homepage
It is sad to announce that Netscape ended its official support on March 1st, 2008 T_T. It doesnt mean that it has gone chap lap -.- It means no more live updates for it after March 1st. "Tat means chap lap lor noob -.-" Well, they r working with Firefox now... So, i think there will be alot of improvement in FireFox 3 (currently in BETA). U can still use it as ur secondary IB thou^^ Im shocked when i first open Netscape browser. It looks very similar to Firefox, almost the same!
In conclusion, i cant say which IB is the best bla bla bla.. Having diff IB is useful becoz some webpage doesnt allow u to open the same webpage in the same IB so u can open them in another IB XD (This is cheating =.=) All of them are very useful for me since i click a lot of ads in order to earn $$ everyday. They r not clicked under the same IB due to confusion of Tabs >.<
Some shortcuts to play around with Tabs:
Ctrl+T - opens a new tab
Ctrl+Tab - moves from tab to tab
Click your middle mouse button(the scrolling button) on a link - opens a new tab for the link u have clicked(Doesnt work with maxthon)
I only knew this 2 shortcuts and currently learning the shortcut to close a tab. (desperate to know since it is useful to close XXX webpage !!!)
Please leave me comments if you know how^^ Any questions can also be leaved as comments or leave them as msgs in my Cakaping box.
Edited: I did not use Opera browser to earn $$ clicking ads becoz after i clicked an link it doesnt indicates tat i had clicked it or where did i stop clicking. e.g: link
Here is a link to the top 10 Internet Browsers. IE is in the second place >.< 真是无天理啊!!!!
For those bananas ops? who cannot read chinese at all.. There is a great website to break all of u from this boundary! It is.. my BLOG!!! -.- OF COZ NOT.. it is babelfish translator
I think no one on earth has this modem standing on my CPU casing now^^ Why do i say so? Lets see..(Taken using 1.3 Mpix de mp4 player's camera-.- 3Mp de camera cable gone missing. No $$ get better 1 T_T)
Nothing special right? Let us see closer...
Haha sorry for the blurness.. But i think u can see brown colour around that transistor/chip right? Thats its 战迹 of getting fried...
Wakao like tat oso can use 1 meh? Why kenot?
Geng ler XD U all muz be wondering y 1 of the components got fried =.= I remember long long time ago after 2 or 3 months i bought this modem... When i was playing Dota in Blueserver, 黑云浓浓,雷电交叉,早上如晚上,晚上如早上 wth? When Im juz finished typing "Hey guys i might leave due to serious lightning. Pls dun ban me!" and "Boom!" I watched blue fireworks from my modem LIVE right infront of me. After that, i was worried that i have to get another modem again T_T no$$ lea.. After the rain ran away killing my modem... I recheck whether is my modem is dead or alive. I replug in everything and "CRAP" kenot online geh? However, i did not giv up coz the light showing ADSL is not dead and seems to be still working.. I tested it directly with my lousy laptop and "w00t" my modem is not dead!! So wat's dead? Me.. ops! My motherboard intergrated LAN network card T_T and my 1st port of the modem/router... Sigh.. SO the moral of the story is.. plug out ur telephone wen lightning is "dancing gracefully" out there...
Ops! I mean streamyx... Last 2 weeks, I noticed that my internet speed is plunging which can be described as "from heaven to hell" while im surfing the net. I ignored it because i tought screamyx is just having some "technical" problem as usual. However, i experienced the speed of light(the snail way) for the next 3 days! So, on Sunday, 4th May 2008 i called Streamyx and told them that my Internet is acting strangely which is very very slow as the Download speed is below 500kbps or worst. .. In the morning of the next day, they sent a techie to my house which is not expected to be so soon coz they r alwiz very slow such as my line. They are not driving Kancil but MyVi already >.<
Firstly, the techie said that he will configure sth at the rocket shaped thingy located in the park near my house. He said that he will call me in order for me to update him with my line speed. I waitied from 11am-2pm -.- and he called... I guess he went to lunch and yam cha during that period. Really guai lan =.= I told him that nth has changed and then he returned to my house around 3pm and he climbed up the electric pole to check my line speed again. After that, he called me to look after his ladder and he will move to somewhere to check my port. After some time, he returned and told me that my area's underground cable "sudah jadi sangat teruk, 'jadi lu punya line sudah takda harapan'(tambah tolok)" Ini tak boleh berlaku ni!! He said that he will change my port to a faster 1 temporarily and will tell streamyx to replace all the devices and the underground cables which i think will not be done at all in the near future XP
Nvm lea at least i get a better bandwidth now haha^^ Damn happy with the current speed... Alot of my frens already got this speed without alot of problems -.- and i used my lousy speed for 2+ years paying the same amount of fees like them which is RM88 -.- I did not complain previously becoz my download speed is staying around 700kbps which is tolerable as according to their speedometer. The minimum we can get is 70% of our package. So this time, 趁他病拿他命 I reported to them with a much speed slower than the minimum speed and now i got this ^^ 真是爽! Now Im has a Download speed of 800kbps+ and i can download upto 160kBps which is doubled compared to the old lousy line...
If you wanna test your speed, please go: http://www.speedtest.net/ and click the golden pyramid which indicates Kuala Lumpur and then the green pyramid indicating Singapore (gives you better speed result but i dont know why -.- KL server lousy gua..) The website gives results in kbps which means kilo bits per second so in order to convert into your normal download speed. U need to divide kbps by 8 to get kBps. e.g: 1200kbps divide 8 = 150kBps which means kilo Bytes per second... If your download speed is below 70% of your package please tell them Dial 100 or else suffer the boredom of waiting a website to load -.-
Why start a blog? Money + optimize my bandwidth usage!.
Why now? Just got a faster bandwidth from screamyx!! i mean streamyx. (Actually i had got it in the past 2 weeks >.< lazy to start until today..)
What's included in this blog? My experiences in the Internet or some chapalang stuffs.. Will not type alot bout my life here.. because.. Readers will be bored to death reading about my life... Haha XD
Why black themes? My eyes do not feel comfortable after staring at a bright screen for some period... Sorry ya >.<
Wah after all the hardwork squeezing my brain, at last i have done typing my introduction! XD Waseh.. Short introduction.. Agree?