First relaxing moment was playing CoD4 for 3 hours at INC cafe on Thursday right after the exam. (Stated in the previous post if you can remember) After that, on Saturday, 20th September 2008, I went to Sunway Lagoon with some classmates(only 1 un-available lady T_T + others.. BATANG...).
Note: The funny serious game(NOT SERIOUS SAM) will be added in the next post because this post will be much more interesting!
So what's so interesting?
Sunway Lagoon theme park + extreme park = exciting and interesting!!!
Boooring.. We also know lar -.-
Okay la.. First of all I'd gained new experience from this trip. I'd tried shooting static targets with a real gun!! Ops, just kidding :D It is just the paint ball gun actually =.= Haha actual aiming seems harder than aiming in the game CoD4... However, I did managed to shoot at some targets with 70% misses...
Secondly, I'd rode a ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) which looks like a motorbike with 4 wheels. However, we press a trigger near the right handle instead of control the handle in order to move the vehicle. It is very shaky when I pressed the trigger and after a few seconds, my palm felt numb or like ants moving around my palm... (Haha I hope that I was riding this)
(The button is located around the area of the red circle)
Then, I learned how to kayak!! It's not how to apply kaya on bread but how to move and control a canoe~ w00t!!! At the first few moment, my friend and I(2 N00Bs) were completely lost in kayaking and both of us were left behind by other friends T_T.. We paddled to some dirty surfaced water and almost hit the wall once. After a few minutes, we managed to pick up the pace and started to kayak for REAL. I realised that kayak is quite simple and the most important thing is I'd learned to control 2 transportation [ATV+kayak(a transport?)] now!
(This canoe ROX but not available at Sunway. Anyway it is pointless to have this because the water in Sunway is green + non-transparent =.=)
(Haha no shark in the lake... Longkang fish got lar..)
Finally, the FireFox! Ops I meant Flying Fox... Wow! This was the most exciting thing I'd did during this trip. I was afraid standing on the launching platform at first but after launching, it felt good and scary at the same time. By the way, I was the last to launch after all of my classmates. (haihz kena bully T_T) This made the fear factor level increased...
Eh, only exciting? Where's the interesting part?
Now, it is the best part of the whole trip and the most interesting of all!!! There is a water slide near the beach ball and wall climbing area. I'd tried it and decided not to try it again because my butt hurts after sliding to the bottom even though there is water... So, I waited my friends to slide down and then, I noticed a beautiful lady in bikini preparing to slide down after his boy friend(I wished that's me but I just have to accept reality XD). I was wondering that will her bikini deflect due to impact with water when she slides down(naughty me :P). Before I made my next thought, she was already down in the pool and when she stood up! Poof it became cococrunch!?? (What the? Advertisement?) OMG!!! I saw something that I can only see in A-Vids.. Her bikini deflected and I saw her 露点 ("lou dim" in cantonese)!!! Anyway, it was an accident and I only looked for a few seconds because I never thought that it will really happen... One of my friend did enjoyed the whole moment from the beginning until her boyfriend fixed her bikini position. w000t sYok lar him XD Out of all CN Spartans, only 2 from Kepong saw this hyper rare incident(in my life lar). So, maybe this is what I call Kepong luck ^^
At home, i'd decided to change my nick in MSN to be related to this incident and the results were.. some perverts, i mean friends.. asked about the incident. The most common questions they asked was: Pretty anot? Big anot? even though i told them that I saw a leng lui(then pretty lor..) 露点. haha no offense to you guys ya. PEACE :P
**Sorry no photos on this one because nobody brings a camera during swimming time right? Since I'm so lucky, maybe you might wanna sponsor me an water-proofed camera so I can take some goodies for you in the next trip XD
Okay, that's all the interesting events. I was tired, tanned and pok gai.. However, I did a lot of stuff I didn't do before and I saw stuff I didn't have to chance to see in LIVE for now! I'm satisfied with this trip and I wonder will the couple had their "night war or night activity" before bed since his boy friend was stimulated by her exposure :P Arg.. better don't think so much or else I will be having insomia again tonight >.< Good night!
Ops sorry for the title in overstressed mode... It is common when an extra hyper stressful person releases his/her stress in one shot. It's like when we charge up gases in our butt and then release those gases in one blow = BBOOMMM!! Awww Man... I can't imagine what will happen to your hole after this... From tight become loose @_@ (Don't think till 18SX there har)? We might not control the amount of cakes to be released in the toilet??!! OMFGBBQ >.<
Okay enough of stressful thoughts!!! (Slapped my face a hundred times)
Now lets PARTAY!!!~~
Went to INC Cyber Cafe straight right after the last paper =.= (I hope I have such determination in studies...) Who cares about studies now? It's the holiday I'm concern now~
After some deep thinking for about 5 seconds?(My brain too noob... Can't do deep thinking more than 5 seconds >.<), it seems that... I have no more target in life after this final exams... (This happens everytime after a final exams). Why? Coz previously, my primary target was to study for the exams. However, for now.. the target was accomplished. So.. what's my next life target now?
After another not so-deep-thinking, it is GAMING~~~ w00t MY FAVOURITE!!! There goes my 3 months sem break =D Okay, I will stop typing now and continue with my Granado Espada adventure. I will write about a buggy game in the next post. It is a serious game with a funny attitude =X Stay Tune :D