Tired of waiting a file to be downloaded completely but slowly by a torrent client?
Bitcomet cant work properly? Port forward dont do any good? Even Thunder is helpless?
Now let me introduce you a website that downloads desired torrent files for you and let you to download the files with a direct connection instead of p2p.
Presenting (Click link to move to website)!!!
You must be wondering isnt it is used for photos or pictures hosting? However, now it introduces a new feature (still in BETA) which is named as "torrent drive".
It acts like this:
The imageshack server will do the torrent download for you and store the file on its server storage. Then, you can direct download the file from the server storage when that downloaded file is completed on the server side.
I tried this so called "torrent drive" feature as a free user and it gives me:
1. 5GB of torrent file storage on server side
2. 500kbps of max download speed (might be more)
3. 10GB of bandwidth for direct download
4. 2 simultaneous torrent downloads at once. However, it still works on a ticket based system. For example, you as a free user need to compete with other free and premium users to get a download ticket or slot to in order begin your downloads on the server side. A ticket or slot will be released when a download of yours or other users is completed. Man this sucks... Well, that's what free stuff can offer XD
5. I got a direct download speed of 160kBps :D
Here's a view of it:
(Click pic to enlarge)
Overall, this is a very useful feature for us in Malaysia because it seems that torrent downloads dont work fine with Streamyx! XD Well, I recommend you to use this "torrent drive" instead of your torrent client to maximize your Streamyx bandwidth usage. Anyway, ROX for providing such feature for free!!!
Warning: Logos of imageshack used here are copyrighted to their rightful owner(s)! They are used here for illustration purposes only !
Credits go to Loh Jian Jiang for introducing me this cool website!!
21st of Oct, the final day of CCNA module 1, also the birthday of my classmate Steven. After the final exam (CCNA) and some blurish discussion, we decided to celebrate his birthday at SunWong restaurant which is located at the opposite of UTAR PA block. 寿星公的画像。。画得丑请多多包涵。。。
(The only photo I got which was taken by Kong... 寿星公 is right in the middle of this photo^^)
Awww man.. I don't even have my own cam to snap any photos T_T
Interested in sponsoring me a new camera? Contact 012-3767808 or yawcheung@hotmail.com XD haha.. I was juz kidding
What's all that advertisement anyway -.- Let's continue with the story shall we?
Since this is the 1st time I've been here, "accident" happened.
The infamous ACCIDENT:
1. I've ordered "Chicken Chop spagetti". The cook cooked "Chicken Chop rice". Maybe the waiter heard i called 要饭("yiu fan" - mau nasi in cantonese) instead of 意分("yi fan" - spaghetti in cantonese)...
2. My friend was mistaken and took the CC rice (which technically suppose to be mine) for his rice. I was not aware of tat.
3. Then, his rice came and I didnt know bout it at all. Felt sorry for the waiter >.<>